Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Drawing of An Old House--Part 1

I would like to give a big Thank-You to ronnieb of Morguefile for the use of his photo, Old House, which I used with his permission for this 4-Part series.

Originally, Ronnie's photo was in color, but for my drawing, I converted it to Black and White, zoomed in a bit and heightened the contrast. I did all this in Photoshop easily, but I think the same results could be achieved in many of the photo editors out there. Even many of those that are free are perfect for these kinds of basics. I could have edited out the wires, but chose to just ignore them, leaving them out of my drawing, instead.

Then, I printed out both the color original and theblack and white versions of the photo and began to get my paper surface set up. For this drawing, I decided to do some experimenting by choosing cold-pressed watercolor paper. I wanted to give this building some texture and "aging" and have that come through to the viewer.

I started the drawing off by making a line drawing of the house and some trees. I drew these simple lines to be basic, just to guide myself along. When I drew the tree's lines I hadn't yet come to a decision as to how I would be drawing them. I would have to wait and see on that, later.


  1. Oh I am really looking forward to seeing your work on this old house. Will you be doing a WIP... or do we have to wait until it's finished ?

  2. That is really super. So much detail and you captured the old feel.

  3. Thank-you Dors and Maria, I stepped out of my box in drawing this one.


Your comments are welcome.